Planning a School Dance in 2021 and 2022

prom songs

Planning a school dance in the 2021-2022 school year? Events are making a comeback! And, and fingers crossed, that includes school dances such as proms, homecoming dances, and winter formals.

While the classes of 2020 and 2021 missed out on these and other teenage rites of passage, the classes of 2022 and higher are likely to be the beneficiaries of their predecessors’ sacrifices. As a result, school dances in the latter part of 2021 are expected to be bigger and better than ever! And that means the planning starts now!

But be aware that pent-up demand for weddings and other delayed events may require creativity when planning your school dance. Not only have we scoured the prom blogs for you to find the best prom and school dance planning tips, we’ve shared info from our own experience helping countless students, faculty, and parents successfully plan great school dances. Some of the usual planning rules have changed, so we’ve mixed it up just a little for the 2021-22 school year.

School Prom, Homecoming, Winter Formal Checklist:

Select a school dance planning committee

Establish a school dance budget

Select several potential dates on the calendar.

B ook your DJ before… (yes before) you book your venue!

Secure your school dance venue

Select the food for your school dance

Select your school dance theme

Select a professional printer

Marketing your school dance

Ticket Sales

In addition to the list above, we located this printable prom planning checklist .

And paying attention to the details will go a long way toward creating a fun and memorable event for you and your classmates, the planning should be fun too! It can be an opportunity to learn new skills and make friends with students you may not have interacted with much before.

More resources for planning your school dances:

Raptor Productions’ professional DJ services are available for events throughout Maryland and the Washington DC area. Contact us today!