Planning a School Dance in 2021 and 2022
Planning a school dance in the 2021-2022 school year? Events are making a comeback! And, and fingers crossed, that includes school dances such as proms, homecoming dances, and winter formals.
While the classes of 2020 and 2021 missed out on these and other teenage rites of passage, the classes of 2022 and higher are likely to be the beneficiaries of their predecessors’ sacrifices. As a result, school dances in the latter part of 2021 are expected to be bigger and better than ever! And that means the planning starts now!
But be aware that pent-up demand for weddings and other delayed events may require creativity when planning your school dance. Not only have we scoured the prom blogs for you to find the best prom and school dance planning tips, we’ve shared info from our own experience helping countless students, faculty, and parents successfully plan great school dances. Some of the usual planning rules have changed, so we’ve mixed it up just a little for the 2021-22 school year.
School Prom, Homecoming, Winter Formal Checklist:
Select a school dance planning committee
- This step is usually initiated by student government leaders, faculty advisors, and PTA leaders.
- Be sure that the committee is representative of the student body.
- How much money does the student government have in savings?
- Gather costs. If possible, use the budget from previous school dances as a starting point.
- Plan remaining fundraisers to make up any cash shortfalls.
Select several potential dates on the calendar.
- Be as flexible as possible with your dates.
- Think outside the box. For example, can the event take place on a day other than Saturday, when demand is likely to be highest.
B ook your DJ before… (yes before) you book your venue!
- There are about as many DJs as there are potential dance venues – maybe fewer. But which does more to ensure everyone at the dance or prom has a great time? The DJ, of course!
- Your school dance DJ is a great resource and may know of venues you haven’t thought of. Secure your DJ now and the rest of your school dance planning will fall into place more easily.
Secure your school dance venue
- This may be difficult. Remember that postponed events of every kind have many party venues booked out well into the future.
- Consider having your school dance in your gymnasium. It is a perfect place to have a school prom or dance, and think of the money it will save!
Select the food for your school dance
- This is highly dependent on your budget and the availability of caterers.
- Whatever you decide, keep it simple. You’re there to dance. Food should be for refueling!
Select your school dance theme
- Every school class has its own personality. Your theme not only helps make your school dance especially meaningful and memorable, it will help you promote your event by building excitement.
- Plan party favors and decorations around your theme.
- Your DJ is a great resource for helping you select a theme song and other important details. Tap into your DJ’s expertise and experience!
Select a professional printer
- A good printing company can help you design your your tickets, programs, posters, and banners
- Select your printer and be sure to work within their timeline. Last-minute printing increases costs.
- If your school has printing capabilities, be sure to coordinate with the appropriate department. While the cost may be lower than a professional printer, don’t assume it will be free or as professional-looking. Check first.
Marketing your school dance
- Get the word out to your classmates through posters
- Get the word out and build excitement through social media
- Make sure the messaging makes everyone feel welcome!
Ticket Sales
- Have a special event during lunch to sell tickets.
- DJ Raptor will help set the tone for your dance by making a guest appearance at your ticket sales event!
In addition to the list above, we located this printable prom planning checklist .
And paying attention to the details will go a long way toward creating a fun and memorable event for you and your classmates, the planning should be fun too! It can be an opportunity to learn new skills and make friends with students you may not have interacted with much before.
More resources for planning your school dances:
- How To Have The Best School Dance
- Common Prom Planning Problems: Fixed!
- Throw a Fantastic Winter Formal Dance
- How DJs Balance Fast and Slow Songs at Proms
- 3 Ways a School DJ Picks the Best Dance Music
Raptor Productions’ professional DJ services are available for events throughout Maryland and the Washington DC area. Contact us today!