Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 1
1 Put the stones into the as directed by the teacher.
Teaching & Learning Material:
- Stones, seeds, bottle covers, etc., Nylon bags or any other container
Evaluation Guide
- remove objects from the bags till nothing is left in the bags;
- write and pronounce the number 0;
- Give an example in the home of zero Situation, etc.
Week 3
Topic: Whole numbers 6-9
Performance objectives
1 sort and classify numbers of objects in a group or collection;
2 identify number of objects in a group or collection;
3 Count and read correctly from 1-9;
4 write correctly number 6-9;
5 arrange the numbers 6-9 in order of their magnitudes (quantities).
1 Sorting and classifying objects leading to idea of 6-9.
2 Identification of numbers 6-9.
3 Counting and reading numbers 1-9.
4 Writing of numbers 6-9.
5 Ordering number 6-9.
Teacher’s Activities
1 Guides pupils to mix the collection and sort out the balls pebbles, bottle tops and buttons together.
2 Guides pupils to classify each group of similar objects as follows:
A. count out five balls;
B. add one ball to it;
3 Leads pupils to recognize this as 6 i.e. 5 balls and 1 ball gives 6;
4 Count out 6 pebbles and add 1 pebbles to it and lead them to recognize it as 7 up to 9 buttons etc.
- Guides pupils to read the numbers 1-9.
- Guides pupils to write the numbers 1-9.
- Arranges the numbers in order of their magnitude using objects such as balls, pebbles, etc. in a collection.
- Leads pupils to write the numbers in order of their magnitudes.
Student’s Activities
- Sort and classify the mixed collection e.g. collection of balls, collection of pebbles, etc.
- Identify the numbers 6- 9 through the activities and the use of Flash cards
- Count and read numbers 1-9 on the board and Flash cards.
- Write the numbers 1-9
- Use collection objects
Teaching & Learning Material
Counters: balls, pebbles, buttons bottle tops, leaves and oranges etc.
Flash cards of numbers 1-9, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- arrange given number of objects from a collection together;
- identify numbers 6 – 9;
- read numbers 1-9 on board and flash cards;
- write numbers 1-9 on the board/ exercise book;
- 5 order numbers 1-9 in their magnitude.
Week 4
Topic: Whole number 10
Performance objectives:
- recognize 10 as a group;
- Use idea of place value limited to tens and units.
- Recognition of 10 as a group.
- Use of place value- Tens and Units (i.e. T, U).
Teacher’s Activities
1 Leads pupils to recognize 10.
2 Records the number 10 on board.
3 Leads them to write 10.
4 Gives a group of 11 bottle tops, 12 buttons and 13 balls to pupils up to 20 balls.
5 Asks them to group each in tens and keep the remainder by the side.
6 Leads pupils to recognize that 11 bottles is 1 group of ten and 1. This is called eleven (11), 12 buttons is 1 group of ten and 2 buttons (called twelve).
7 Guides pupils to carry out similar activities for 13 balls up to 20 balls. Thus, 11 = 1 ten and 1 unit
Student’s Activities
- Sort the collection in 8, 9 and 10.
- Recognize number 10.
- Read the number 10.
- Write the number 10.
- Count 11 bottle tops, 12 buttons, 13 objects,
- 13 balls up to 20 objects.
- Count values under tens and units (i.e. T,U)
- Write value under T.U.
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Counters: bottle tops, button, balls, toes and fingers etc.
Evaluation Guide
1 bring ten objects from a collection;
2 read and write 10, 11, 12 13, up to 20 in T and U.
Week 5
Topic: whole numbers 1-99
Performance objectives
1 identify and read correctly the numbers 1-99;
2 write correctly the numbers 1-99.
Identification and reading of numbers from 1-99
Writing of number from 1-99
Teacher’s Activities
1 Uses the teaching resources to assist pupils identify and read the numbers 1- 99.
2 Guides pupils to write numbers 1-99.
Student’s Activities
- Read numbers 1-99
- Write number 1-99
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Flash cards of numbers, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- identify and read correctly given numbers between 1- 99;
- Write correctly the numbers 1-99.
Week 6
Topic: fractions
Performance objectives
Identify ½ and ¼ using concrete objects and shape.
Identification ½ and ¼ using concrete objects and shape.
Teacher’s Activities
1 Presents each object as one whole.
2 Cuts and divides an object into two equal parts, and explains that each part is ½.
3 Cuts on object (e.g. an orange) into four equal parts, and explains that each part is ¼.
4 Asks pupils to color half and one quarter of shapes in their workbooks.
Student’s Activities
1 Practice writing such objects into 1 and ¼.
2 Match drawings of ½ and ¼ of objects on the board with cuttings of ½ and ¼.
3 Draw whole shapes (e.g. squares, circles) and their corresponding values and quarters in their exercise books.
4 Color ½ and ¼ of shapes in their workbooks.
5 Give example of things that can be shared into ½ and ¼.
6 Suggest reasons for sharing things into ½ and ¼.
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Oranges, apples, paper cuttings of shapes:
Colored pencils and; pair of scissors
Evaluation Guide
- Cut given oranges into given part;
- label given drawing of halves and quarters of objects and shapes;
- fold rectangular or circular shapes into halves and quarters;
- color ½ and ¼ of given shapes;
- Give examples of things that can be shared into ½ and ¼.
Performance objectives
- add two whole numbers from 1 to 3 with sum less than 5;
- add two or three whole numbers from 1 to 8 with sum not up to 10;
- add two or three numbers from 0 to 9 with sum not greater than 18;
- add 2-digit whole numbers with sum not greater than 40 without exchanging or renaming;
- Cross check numeracy in addition is readable.
- addition of whole numbers with sum less than 5
- addition of whole numbers with sum less than 1O
- addition of whole numbers with sum less than 18
- addition of items of 2-digit whole numbers with sum not greater than 40
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to group the objects into ones, twos, threes and fours to form sum less than 5 e.g. 2 balls and 2 pencils give 4 balls.
- Group’s objects up to nine to form sum less than 10. e.g. 5 oranges and 2 oranges gives 7 oranges.
- Groups objects from 1 to 9 with sum not greater than 18 e.g. 9 bean seed and 8 bean seed gives 17 bean seeds.
- Groups objects into tens, elevens twelve etc. with sum not greater than 40. e.g. 22 leaves and 14 leaves give 36 leaves.
- Emphasizes correctness in addition so as to value precision.
- Leads pupils to give examples of everyday life where accuracy is required.
Student’s Activities
- Group objects into ones, two, three and four to form sums less than 5 and count the total.
- Combine two or more similar objects less than 10 and count the total.
- Combine two or three similar objects less than 18 and count the total.
- Combine two group of 2-digit numbers less than 40 and count the total.
- Crosscheck accuracy in previous addition.
- Gives examples in everyday life where accuracy of addition in needed.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Oranges
- balls
- Leaves
- Bottle tops
- Number Beads, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- add given whole numbers;
- add two or three given whole numbers less than 10;
- add two or three given whole numbers less than 18;
- add 2– digit numbers and record their result;
- Mention three everyday activities where accuracy is necessary.
Topic: Subtraction I
Performance objectives
1 subtract from whole numbers not greater than 9;
2 subtract from whole numbers not greater than 18;
3 crosscheck accuracy in subtraction.
1 Subtraction from whole numbers not greater than 9.
2 Subtraction from whole numbers not greater than 18.
Teacher’s Activities
1 Guides pupils to group a particular set of objects e.g. orange into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
2 Leads pupils to take a group of objects and take away a lesser number of the same objects from the group e.g. in a group of 8 oranges take away 6 oranges.
3 Guides pupils to group a particular object e.g. been seeds into sets of 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14,
4 Guides/leads pupils to count a group of objects and take away a lesser number of the same objects from the group e.g. in a group of 16 bean seeds take away 10 bean seeds.
5. Leads pupils to give examples of everyday life where accuracy in subtraction is required.
6. Emphasizes the importance of accuracy of subtraction in everyday activities.
Student’s Activities
1 Group objects such as oranges, stones etc. into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
2 Count one given group of objects and remove a lesser number of the same objects from the group.
3 Group objects such as bean seeds into 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8.
4 Guides/leads pupils to count a group of objects and take away a lesser number of the same objects from the group e.g. in a group of 16 bean seeds take away 10 bean seeds.
5 Leads pupils to give examples of everyday life where accuracy in subtraction is required.
6 Emphasizes the importance of accuracy of subtraction in everyday activities.
Teaching & Learning Material
6 Number Beads, etc.
Evaluation Guide
1 subtract given whole numbers not greater than 9;
2 subtract given whole numbers not greater than 18;
3 mention two examples of everyday activities where accuracy in subtraction is needed.
Topic: Addition II
Performance objectives
1 find missing numbers in a statement;
2 cross-check the correctness of addition in everyday life.
Finding missing numbers e.g.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to take a set of objects and constitute two groups of known unequal numbers
- Guides pupils to count the smaller group and determine the number of objects to be added to obtain the number in the bigger groups e.g. 8 + _= 9
- Emphasizes the need for correct addition everyday activities.
- Guides pupils to give examples of everyday activities where accuracy of addition is needed.
Student’s Activities
- Group on object into two, of unequal numbers.
- Count the number of objects in group and determine the number of objects to be added to obtain the number in a bigger group
- Cross-check the need for accuracy in addition in everyday activities.
- Give examples of activities requiring accuracy of addition.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pebbles
- Oranges
- balls
- Bottle tops
- Number Beads, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- find missing numbers in a given statement;
- Mention four areas where accuracy of addition is required in daily life.
Topic: Subtraction II
Performance objectives
1 find missing numbers in a statement;
2 cross-check the correctness of subtraction in everyday life.
1 Finding missing numbers e.g.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to take a set of objects and constitute two groups of known unequal numbers.
- Guides pupils to count the bigger group and determine the number of objects to be subtracted to obtain the number in the bigger groups e.g. 8 – _ = 3.
- Emphasizes the need for correct additions land subtraction in everyday activities.
- Guides pupils to give examples of everyday activities where accuracy of subtraction is needed
Student’s Activities
- Group on object into two, of unequal numbers.
- Count the number of objects in group and determine the number of objects to be added to obtain the number in the bigger group.
- Cross-check subtraction for accuracy
- Give examples of activities requiring accuracy of subtraction.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pebbles
- Oranges
- balls
- Bottle tops
- Number Beads, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Find missing numbers in a given statement;
- Mention four areas where accuracy of subtraction is required in daily life.
Year 1 NERDC Mathematics Curriculum for Primary 1. Whole numbers 1-5, concrete objects and shape, Open Sentences, money – Schemeofwork
Topic: Open Sentences
Performance objectives
- find missing numbers in an open sentence;
- Solve simple related open sentences.
Teacher’s Activities
Guides pupils to find missing Numbers in an example:
Student’s Activities
- Solve series of problems involving open sentences.
- Solve simple related open sentences.
Teaching & Learning Material
4 Pupils themselves, etc.
Evaluation Guide
1 solve given problems on open sentences;
2 find simple numbers in open sentences.
Topic: MONEY
Performance objectives
- recognize different denomination of Nigerian coins;
- add coins to obtain sums not exceeding 25k;
- calculate change obtainable from 10k or less;
- Trace coins using brown and white papers.
1 Nigerian coins 25k, 10k, 5k, 1k, and ½k.
2 Sum of two or three coins.
3 Shopping with a 10k piece and receiving change.
4 Tracing of coins.
Teacher’s Activities
- Leads pupils through various activities to recognize the different denominations of Nigeria coins.
- Devises suitable games for pupils to play in order to recognize the coins.
- Uses Flash cards to show addition of coins e.g.
- 12k + 10k = 22k
- 11 + 8k = 19k
- 13k + 10k = 23k.
- Guides pupils in practical experience in buying and selling.
- Traces various denominations of Nigeria coins using: brown paper and crayon; white paper and pencil.
Student’s Activities
- Engage in sorting of coin into various denominations from the collection of coins.
- identify the different domination
- Practice addition with sum not exceeding 25k.
- Buy and sell from class shopping corner.
- Trace different Nigeria coins as demonstrated by the teacher.
Teaching & Learning Material
2 model coins or paper coins
3 Tracing paper
Evaluation Guide
- gives a collection of coins;
- identify some as collection of coins specified by the teacher;
- Do simple exercise on the addition of money not exceeding 25k.
- calculate change when they buy or sell something by a simple game
- Traces any given coin.
Week 2
Topic: Length
Performance objectives
1 develop the idea of length;
2 compare length of two or three objects;
3 order similar objects according to lengths;
4 measure length and distance in their natural units;
5 apply the length and ordering of lengths in our environment.
- Idea of length.
- Comparison of length of two or more objects to develop the idea of “longer than” and “shorter than”.
- Ordering of lengths of objects.
- Measuring of length and distance using natural units such as hand span, steps arm’s length, strides, etc.
- Measuring and ordering of length.
Teacher’s Activities
- Directs a pupil to move from one point to another in the classroom using his/her step
- Asks pupils to measure the length of their table with their hand span.
- Use strides to move from one corner of the classroom to another.
- Guides the pupils to use arm length to measure the width of the classroom.
- Gives pupils the idea of length in each case above.
- Guides pupils to measure these objects with strings or sticks of varying lengths.
- Guides pupils to arrange the objects according to their lengths.
- Guides pupils to measure the length of their desks using their hand span record their results.
- Guides pupils to measure the length of the floor of the classroom with their foot or the walls with their arm’s length and record their results.
- Guides pupils to measure and order given objects by length.
Student’s Activities
- Observe the pupil move in the class.
- Measure their table with their hand span.
- Move from one corner of the classroom to another.
- Discuss their idea of length.
- Measure these objects with strings or sticks of varying lengths
- Compare two pencils or sticks of different lengths and say which one is shorter than the other.
- Arrange the objects in order of lengths.
- Measure the length of their desks using their hand span and record their results.
- Measure the length of the floor of the classroom with their foot or the walls with their arm’s length and record their results.
- Measure and order given objects by length.
Teaching & Learning Material
Pencils, Sticks, Desk, Strings, the classroom, pupils themselves, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- give examples of lengths;
- measure given lengths with steps, hand spans, strides and foot and give answers;
- compare lengths of given objects using “longer than” and “shorter than”;
- order given bundles of sticks of various length;
- measure different given lengths using different natural units;
- Measure and order given objects by length.
Week 3
Topic: time
Performance objectives
- demonstrate knowledge of the idea of time;
- mention when certain things are done :
- Introduce the idea of time.
- Time when certain things are done e.g.
- Morning;
- Afternoon;
- Evening;
- Night.
- Time and events when certain activities take place
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to state 1 when things are done at home and school.
Student’s Activities
- State the time when certain things are done e.g.:
- State when some events take place at home and school.
- Play a drama on time and events to do
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts indicating activities peculiar to different periods of the day
Evaluation Guide
- State the time of sleeping; coming to school etc.
Week 4
Topic: Weight
Performance objectives
1 Compare the weights of some common objects in the school using the terms light and heavy.
- Lifting objects.
- Estimating and comparing their weights.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the pupils to lift two different objects to compare their weights.
Student’s Activities
- Lift two different objects and say which one is light and heavy.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Weight balance.
- See-saw etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Show two different objects and select which one is heavier than the other.
Week 5
Topic: Three dimensional shapes
Performance objectives
- sort out cubes, cuboids, cylinders and spheres;
- identify and name cuboids, cubes, cylinders and spheres;
- distinguish between cuboids and cubes;
- Mention solid shapes in homes and environment.
Cubes, cuboids cylinders and spheres.
Teacher’s Activities
1 Guides pupils to sort out these objects (Solids) according to shapes.
2 Leads pupils to identify and name the sorted solids.
3 Guides pupils to distinguish between cuboids and cubes.
4 Leads pupils to mention the solid shapes in homes and environment.
Student’s Activities
- Sort out objects (solids) according to shapes.
- Identify and name the stored solids (shapes).
- Distinguish between cuboids and cubes.
- Mention the solid shapes in their homes and environment.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Ludo dice, match boxes empty packets of sugar, empty tins of Milo, milk, balls different sizes etc.
- Charts showing pictures of:
- Cuboids
- Cubes
- Cylinder
- Spheres
Evaluation Guide
- sort out different solids (shapes) according to their shapes;
- identity and name different solids (shapes);
- distinguish between given cuboids and cubes;
- Give examples of solid shapes in their homes and environment.
Week 6
Topic: Two dimensional shapes
Performance objectives
- Identify a Square, a Rectangle and a Circle.
- Match and name a square, a rectangle and a Circle.
- Distinguish between squares and rectangles.
- Mention square, rectangular and circular shapes in homes.
Squares, Rectangles and Circles.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to mention groups of objects with similar flat faces such as squares, rectangles and circles.
- Leads pupils to discover the distinguishing features of square, rectangle and circle.
- Guides pupils to mention square, rectangular and circular shapes in their homes.
Student’s Activities
- Group objects with similar flat faces.
- Discover distinguishing features of square, rectangle and circle.
- Mention the square, rectangular and circular shapes in their homes.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Shapes, drawings and Cut- outs of:
Evaluation Guide
- match a given flat face with the name: square, rectangle and circle;
- distinguish between given square and rectangle;
- Name three square, rectangular and circular shapes in their homes.
Week 1
Topic: Data Collection
Performance objectives
- collect data on their ages at home and school;
- Collect data on their heights.
- Ages of pupils;
- Height of pupils.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to mention their ages.
- Leads pupils to measure their heights.
Student’s Activities
- Measure their ages.
- Measure their heights.
- Group themselves according to their ages and heights.
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pupils themselves.
- Cards written ages.
- Wall rule, etc.
Evaluation Guide
- group themselves according to their:
- Mention their ages/heights.